UbiNET Smart Living Platform Use Cases
The UbiNET platform is a unified framework that considers all aspects of future living and is intended to deliver solutions that move humanity on from dealing with mundane transactional activities into Smart Living where these transactions are hidden behind the scenes. The system provides absolute identity of everything, absolute ownership and absolute value.
Below are several use cases;
Ownership – when an item is purchased it becomes added to several new ecosystems through its embedded micro sensor; individual, family, community
While it may be considered that as resources become more scarce ownership will become much reduced and shared resources more common (including telecommunication devices like mobile phones) as profile identities become portable however ownership will continue to be a focus for some time. The adoption, usage and recycling of material and energy of every item will become more and more critical to the world over time.
Recycling – an item lifecycle is monitored from creation to recycling, items that are not recycled retain a relationship with their last individual owner or other structure like business/organisation.
Unfortunately the notion of law is for some an imposition on them rather than the glue of society where they consider their choice to be destructive a right, it’s not. Rights are created by societies and their boundaries agreed in societies underwritten by laws and law enforcement. The UbiNET platform is agnostic on by who and how societies laws are enforced only that citizens should be accountable for their actions to the society they live in and affect. One key accountability is recycling and the full lifecycle of products. While this may seem invasive its already highly common for consumers to give this data to stores as part of the purchase transaction where they are rewarded with loyalty points. The stores in turn utilise this data for product manufactures and to understand store dynamics.
Identity and Value – items that are not recognized as being part of an ecosystem may not join one. Without full lifecycle data, the item will be considered to have no value, fraudulent or stolen.
Absolute identity of items creates huge value to consumers and businesses alike, it removes all fake goods from the supply chain and establishes brand and product trust. For business the benefits are clear by removing fake products that damage their brands or create a risk to consumers. Many people will think of handbags with this, yes but what about fake airplane parts or baby milk? While these items can be traced, businesses who make them can also be traced.
By using an inverse data analysis, a home or other place can detect a person that has no recognizable items and consider them a threat. They will not be allowed access and become the focus of Law Enforcement.
Personal and family security continue to be a major issue, the absolute identity of everything will also include people (concerned about human rights, read on). The right to be anonymous has never existed in any society. Since the 1950’s governments have focused on identifying its citizens, the difference with UbiNET is it identifies everyone. It does this through the micro sensors embedded in everyones clothing which will be different each day (we can’t share how this works for obvious reasons) and our twin AI blockchain. Suffice to say the UbiNET creates a proactive security net over the areas in which it is deployed.
Usage – two items in common use are guns and bullets, although an advanced sensor would be required is would be possible to create zones where bullets would not fire from guns as UbiNET would instruct the bullet to fail. There are a number of complexities around this use case, however given the complexity of building bullets even self-loader ammunition can have sensors added to the ignition cap.
This last use case involves Generation 2 of sensors, which we have not even started designing yet however the concept is sound based upon the deployment of UbiNET.
The above use cases are just the start, we already have financial services and medical use cases not listed which will be in our white paper for our crowdfunding launch of ThingCoin see ThingCoin as a SAFT release schedule now in tranche 1.