#UbiNET twin #AI #Blockchain with mutating #security #algorithm
UbiNET platform architecture is built on two key components;
- a twin blockchain written in an AI codebase called UBI (originally based on Prolog with attributes of .NET) developed specifically for UbiNET
- a mutating security algorithm derived from the unique platform functional architecture
By interlinking the security algorithm derived from every transaction only the next ordered AI Blockchain knows what the structure of an acceptable contract is.
#ubinet is built on a #bespoke #codebase that we own entirely #UBI. We have two #interlinked #AIblockchain that run the #open #network #ecosystem we own the #microsensor #smartcontract #technology too. We can #uniquly #identify any #actor with #thingcoin #divergentIoT #IoT
Phase 2 completed in 2016.