UbiNET AI Blockchain

#UbiNET twin #AI #Blockchain with mutating #security #algorithm

UbiNET platform architecture is built on two key components;

  • a twin blockchain written in an AI codebase called UBI (originally based on Prolog with attributes of .NET) developed specifically for UbiNET
  • a mutating security algorithm derived from the unique platform functional architecture

By interlinking the security algorithm derived from every transaction only the next ordered AI Blockchain knows what the structure of an acceptable contract is.

is built on a that we own entirely . We have two that run the we own the too. We can any with

Phase 2 completed in 2016.

UbiNET Florida

UbiNET Inc. expands into Florida

UbiNET Inc. has recently opened it’s start up office in St Petersburg, Florida. The company expects to launch it’s first funding round in 2018 as the technology to deliver the UbiNET.

“We choose Florida because of the rich source of engineers with data-mart and secure networking experience from defence IoT, aerospace, space exploration and financial services” CEO Karl Smith

UbiNET Inc. is a diverse company with it’s Innovation and Strategy coming from Scotland and it’s Creative Direction from London and as it evolves it’s engineering backbone will be based in Florida.

“Florida has the best network engineers on the planet” CEO Karl Smith