UOSP scientific foundation
UOSP Scientific Foundation
Distributed Cognition studies the ways that memories, facts, or knowledge is embedded in the objects, individuals, and tools in our environment. According to Zhang & Norman (1994), the distributed cognition approach has three key components: Embodiment of information that is embedded in representations of interaction Coordination of inaction among embodied agents. Ecological contributions to a cognitive ecosystem.
In Embodied Interaction Dourish -everyday human interaction is embodied; non-rationalising, intersubjective and bodily active. Users, not designers, create and communicate meaning and manage coupling. Not just concerned with what people do, but also with what they mean by what they do and how that is meaningful to them. It reflects the sets of meanings that can be ascribed to objects and actions over those objects as part of a larger task or enterprise
Cognition the key to the mind
How people Understand what they can do is, by comparison a Diagnostic Methodology (goals, adaptations, conventions) with what they already know by accessing the Active Narrative patterns they have created in their own minds according to Smith (2005). Many of the Human interactions with Ubiquity will depend upon Situated Awareness and as such how human mind interpret and understand the complex information they are absorbing is critical safe interaction and appropriation.
Cognition Structures
For the purposes of this standard we will be avoiding reliance on neuroscience philosophies.
Cognition Groups create a communication pattern, they carry intention, meaning, risks and benefits. Within a Cognitive Group are Cognition Patterns.
- Some Cognition patterns are common, shopping basket etc.
- Some Cognition Patterns are social by Family, Sports Team etc.
- Some Cognition Patterns change without notice
For example Guided Interaction, existing websites offer guided interaction – simplified cognitive pattern encapsulating a plethora of interacting technology and data systems: Shopping Basket – This representation allows for distributed cognition > appropriation > cognitive pattern forming understand– once a user has used a shopping basket they will understand how to use them and generalize: transferable cognitive pattern
Some of the issues with the IoT
- There is no standard of interactivity for humans in the IoT – not a problem if passive background machine-to-machine. A very big problem if actively interacting with humans, who are all different and can create their own meanings for example LOL. Laugh out Loud or Lots of Love, which can have devastating social impact if used between generations.
- How does a user form any cognitive patterns from an invisible system?
- IoT combines known patterns as hidden machine-to-machine communications that can create mistrust and security fears
- Detailed component view we have constructed around daily interactions is no longer valid